UN Women Traning Center「ジェンダー」トレーニング6つを修了

Certificate Module 5 Women´s Leadership and Decision Making
Certificate Module 5 Women´s Leadership and Decision Making

UN Women Traning Centerのトレーニングを受講

ゴールデンウィークにUN Women Traning Centerのトレーニング6つを受講して、修了できました。

Gender Concepts to get Started; International Frameworks for Gender Equality; and Promoting Gender Equality throughout the UN System

UN WOMEN TRAINING CENTRE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION This is to certify that Taira Sakakibara Has successfully completed the course: I Know Gender 1-2-3 Gender Concepts to get started; International Frameworks for Gender Equality; and Promoting Gender Equality throughout the UN System May 3, 2021 津
Certificate Module 1-2-3 Gender Concepts to get Started; International Frameworks for Gender Equality; and Promoting Gender Equality throughout the UN System

Women´s Economic Empowerment

UN WOMEN E TRAINING CENTRE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION This is to certify that Taira Sakakibara Has successfully completed the course: I Know Gender 4 Women's Economic Empowerment May 3, 2021
Certificate Module 4 Women´s Economic Empowerment

Women´s Leadership and Decision Making

UNWomen Traning center Certificate Module 5 Women´s Leadership and Decision Making

UN Women Traning Center:Violence against Women and Girls

Violence against Women and Girls

Gender Equality in the World of Work

UNWomen Traning center Certificate Module 7 Gender Equality in the World of Work

I Know Gender 8 Gender Equality and Education

UN WOMEN E TRAINING CENTRE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION This is to certify that Taira Sakakibara Has successfully completed the course: I Know Gender 8 Gender Equality and Education May 3, 2021 津

